Measurement Convertor

Type your value in a box, then click the    button next to that box, and all unit conversions in the same category will be calculated.


SI (Metric)

Cubic meter (m3)

hectoliter (hl)

dekaliter (dal)

 liters (l)

deciliter (dl)

centiliter (cl)

Cubic centimeter m (cm3)

Cubic millimeter (mm3)

U.S. Dry Measure

Barrel (bbl)

Bushel (bu)

Peck (pk)

Quart (qt)

Pint (pt)

British Imperial Liquid And Dry


Bushel (bu)

Gallon (gal)

Pint (pt)

Fluid Ounce (fl oz)

"Metric Cooking Measure"

Table spoon

Tea spoon

U.S. Cooking Measure


Table spoon (Tbs)

Tea spoon (tsp)

U.S. Liquid Measure

Barrel [42 gal]
Other barrel sizes exist

Gallon (gal)

Quart (qt)

Pint (pt)

Gill (gi)

Fluid Ounce (fl oz)

Fluid dram (fl dr)

Minim (min)

U.S. and Imperial Cubic Measure

Acre foot

Cubic yard (yd3 = cu yd)

Cubic foot (ft3 = cu ft)

Cubic inch (in3 = cu in)

SI (Metric)


kilogram (kg)

gram (g)

milligram (mg)

Troy weight (Precious metals and stones)

Pound (lb t)

Ounce (oz t)

PennyWeight (dwt)

Same as Avoirdupois grain

Avoirdupois weight

British ("long") ton

US ("short") ton

British ("long") hundredweight (cwt)

US ("short") hundredweight (cwt)


Pound (lb)

Ounce (oz)

Dram (dr)



SI (Metric)

kilometer (km)

meter (m)

decimeter (dm)
Almost never used

centimeter (cm)

millimeter (mm)

Nautical Length Measure

Nautical mile (nmi)


U.S. and Imperial Length Measure

Mile (mi)

Furlong (fur)

Yard (yd)

Foot (ft)

Inch (in)



SI (Metric)

Square kilometer (km2)

hectare (ha)
Used about farm areas

Square meter (m2)

Square decimeter (dm2)
Almost never used

Square centimeter (cm2)

Square millimeter (mm2)

U.S.and Imperial Area Measure

Mile square (sq mi)


Square rod (sq rd)

Square yard (sq yd)

Square foot (sq ft)

Square inch (sq in)


SI (Metric)

Degrees Celcius (C)

Kelvin (K)

U.S. and Imperial

Degrees Fahrenheit (F)


SI (Metric)

Bar (bar)

kilopascal (kPa)

hectopascal (hPa)

millibar (mbar)

Pascal (Pa)

Atmosphere (atm)

Millimeters mercury (mm Hg)

U.S.and Imperial

Pound per square foot (lb/ft2)

Pound per square inch (lb/in2 = PSI)

Inches mercury (in Hg)

The conversion factor
1 lb/in2 = 6894.757 Pa
has been used.




























































Weldship, CCH Equipment, FIBA, CPI, CTR, Industrial Gases, Eleet, Erie Technology, Taylor Wharton, MVE,  CVA

Weldship, CCH Equipment, FIBA, CPI, CTR, Industrial Gases, Eleet, Erie Technology, Taylor Wharton, MVE,  CVA

Weldship, CCH Equipment, FIBA, CPI, CTR, Industrial Gases, Eleet, Erie Technology, Taylor Wharton, MVE,  CVA